90-Day Generosity Challenge
We invite you to jump into our 90-day Generosity Challenge. Generosity is one area God says to test Him in; this challenge is a concrete way to do just that.
Why We Give
We exist to introduce people to Jesus and help them follow Him. Every single penny given goes directly to rescuing people. Weekly, people are discovering freedom from life's hurts, habits & hang-ups through Celebrate Recovery. Our Care Ministry partners with countless families providing meals and counseling. Thousands of inmates are experiencing the radical grace of God through our partnership with God Behind Bars—and these are just a few examples of how we're partnering with people. We don't just talk about rescuing people, we're living this out.
Become a Generosity Rockstar
A Generosity Rockstar is someone who loves God and Central and commits to give generously to God through Central. The best and easiest way to become a Generosity Rockstar is to give at least $20 per week through an online, recurring, scheduled donation.
Support Disaster Relief in Los Angeles
The devastating fires raging in and around Los Angeles are heartbreaking. Lives have been lost, and over 10,000 structures, including homes, businesses, and cherished landmarks, have been reduced to ashes. More than 30,000 acres have been scorched, making this wildfire disaster one of the most destructive in Los Angeles history.
Families have been displaced, children have lost their schools, and communities have lost their churches. Entire neighborhoods are gone, and many individuals will have no home to return to. Over 420,000 people are under evacuation orders and without power.
You can make a difference today. Every dollar you give will go directly to Convoy of Hope to provide immediate relief to those impacted by this tragedy. Let's stand together as a church family and show Southern California that they are not alone. Together, we can bring hope to those who need it most. Thank you for being a light during this time of unimaginable loss.
Generosity Challenge
The one area God tells us to test him in is through our finances. In Matthew 6:21 Jesus tells us that wherever our treasure is, that is where our hearts will be. At Central we know that God wants our whole hearts, not just a portion of it. To move us closer to that goal we have created a Generosity Challenge. Through this Challenge, you will be encouraged to begin giving or to increase your giving over a 90-day period. If you don’t feel you have experienced God’s blessing through the challenge, we will refund your gifts over those 90-days, with no questions asked.
What is Tithing?
Tithing is a way to worship God because it shows Him that we trust His provision in our lives. “Tithe” means ten percent, which is the portion of our income that we give to God to say thank you for all He has given us. God doesn’t need our money, He wants our trust and trusting Him with our finances is a great way to demonstrate our dependence on Him.
Tithe Calculator
Enter your gross monthly income.
Tithe Amount
God's Way With Money
At God's Way with Money, you will learn how to take your next steps in your finances by using a biblical approach to managing your money.
Hope For Kids
Hope For Kids is an annual initiative lead by Hope For The City, in partnership with Central Church, that focuses on helping families and children in need this holiday season and beyond. At our Hope for Kids events, we get to provide clothing, food, and toys for a Christmas to remember! Sponsor one, two, five, or more kids this Christmas season. Help bring hope to families in our community.