
Week 3

The Good News about Faith

Too often we frame our relationship with God around our own performance. In this message, we see how God’s grace in Jesus flips the script and reframes our lives around God’s faithfulness.

Week 5

The Good News about Freedom

Our hang ups, hurts and habits often weigh us down. In this message, we discover how Jesus has set us free from the power of sin to walk in His freedom.

Week 7

The Good News about God’s Love

Nothing can separate us from God’s love in Jesus! Nothing! In this message, we explore the overwhelming victory that is ours through faith in Christ.

Week 9

The Good news about Growth

Growth starts with a mindset. In this message, we see how God can transform the way we think so that we can walk in His good and perfect will.

Week 1

The Good News about Jesus

We need more good news. The message of Jesus is called The Gospel, which simple means “good news.” In this message, we examine the good news of Jesus in the book of Romans and see how God’s grace changes everything.

Week 4

The Good News about Joy

We don’t see enough joy in our world, but real joy is possible. In this message, we learn how focusing on what God has done for us in Jesus allows us to stand in joy no matter what we are facing.

Week 2

The Good News about Life Change

Life change is challenging, and we often get in our own way. In this message, we explore how Jesus can empower personal change that allows us to live out our purpose.

Week 8

The Good News of God’s Redemption

The good news about Jesus is for everyone and can transform everyone. In this message, we see how important it is to receive the good news for ourselves and to share it with others.

Week 6

The Good News about Your Future

Fear about the future can be crippling. In this message, we learn how to live with confidence, trusting that God works everything for the good of those who love Him.