Central Kids Newcastle

Central Kids

I'm new...

We’re so thrilled you’ve decided to join us! Our mission is to introduce kids to Jesus and help them follow him.

What should my kids wear?

Wear whatever your kids are most comfortable in and whatever makes getting out the door less stressful! If they want to wear their Spiderman costume for the 5th day in a row, we’re fine with that! The only thing we ask is that toy weapons and costume masks are left at home.

What do my kids need to bring?

They are not required to bring anything. They may bring a bottle of water into the room, and some of our kids like to bring “Generosity Money”, which is generally a coin or two that goes to helping the church grow and help people in need.

What will my kids do?

We strive to make every week at Central Kids exciting and engaging. Our kids program includes biblical teaching, worship, interactive games, a monthly memory verse, prayer time, and small group time.

Will my children be safe?

Absolutely! We run Working With Children Checks on all Central Kids leaders over 18, they receive safety training and are up to date with our Central Kids policies. We will contact the parent or caregiver immediately in an emergency and our first aid officers are on hand if required. When you check in your child you are given a security code sticker, specific to your child. Only the adult with this sticker is authorised to pick up your child from their environment.

Grow at home

At Central Kids we use Grow Curriculum. This is a discipleship-based curriculum that focuses on one theme and one memory verse each month. All kids across Central Kids are learning the same stories and teaching each weekend. Each month we hand out an overview to each family so you can see exactly what we are teaching each week in each environment. One good way to stay informed about upcoming family events at Central is through our Instagram page.


My Household

Need to remove someone from your household? Update your family in our data base.